The frog (confirmed introduction)
The frog is a threatened species. At present, this species does not suffer too much Threats, people don't need to take any special measures to protect them. The zebra frog is distributed in many countries and regions in Asia, so the zebra frog can be called a rare species of frog in the wild. Domestically, frogs often appear in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. Overseas, people can also find them in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries.
If you want to spot the frog, you might as well sit and wait near the rice fields. In addition to existing well in plain areas, zebra frogs can also survive in hilly areas, even in mountains with an altitude of 2,000. Before people started using pesticides to get rid of pests, the frogs took on the heavy responsibility of eliminating pests in rice fields, and they were loved by farmers for this reason. However, now that people are more inclined to use pesticides to repel insects, the existence of frogs has become increasingly bad, and their numbers are shrinking.
Chinese name: Ze Frog
Kingdom: Animal Kingdom
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrates p>
Class: Amphibians
Subclass: Slide Subclass
Order: Anura
Suborder: New suborder of Rana
Family: Ranaidae
Genus: < /strong>Rana
Species: Rana