Rottweiler Terrier (confirmed introduction)
The Rottweiler Terrier is small but very courageous. This dog is rich in bone, weighing about 12 pounds, and the height at the shoulders is about the same as the length of the body. Its expression is slightly cunning, so it is a relatively alert dog. The eyes are small, dark, oval-shaped and have black eye rings. The distance between the eyes is moderate, the eyes are very bright, and the eyes are caring. The ears are of medium size and pointed at the tips. When the dog is alert, the ears stand erect.
Neck of medium length and richness; level topline; body slightly short, tight and deep; ribs well supported and loin short; tail required to be of a certain length for working as a terrier, so broken You need to keep half of it at the end.
The legs are short and strong, the pads are rich, and the toenails are black. The coat is bristly, hard and straight, and close to the body. The coat on the neck and shoulders forms a protective mane, and the hair on the head, ears, and muzzle is short and smooth except for some eyebrows and beard.
The Rottweiler Terrier has strong legs and a steady gait. It looks very brisk when walking. It likes to exercise very much. Its adaptability is also quite strong, so it can become a good companion.