Introduction to submarine fish species

Introduction to the types of submarine fish
Submarine fish

Submarine fish is a kind of livelihood in offshore freshwater Or the freshwater pufferfish, which has a very special shape. The English name is abbreviated as GSP. Generally, the body length of adult fish is about 10-18 cm. It is a marine fish.

Chinese name: Submarine fish

Kingdom: Animal kingdom

English name :Green puffer

Class: Actinofinfish

Species: Dark green puffer

Also known as: Submarine fish, dinghy, golden doll, freckled green pufferfish, depth bomb fish.

Suborder: Suborder Pufferfish

Phylum: Chordata

Food habits : Carnivorous

Subclass: Neopterina

Alternate names: Small boat, golden doll, green Freckled puffer fish, depth charges, bomb fish

Dispersed areas:Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, southern China coast

Food habits: Carnivorous

Latin name:Tetraodon nigroviridis

Genus:Tetraodon nigroviridis

Order: Peuriformes

Named by: Marion de Procé, 1822

Family: Pueridae

Subphylum: Vertebrates
