Indian star tortoise appearance characteristics

Indian Star Turtle The appearance characteristics of the Indian star tortoise
The Indian star tortoise

The carapace of the Indian star tortoise is very unique, take a look The unremarkable radial lines really distinguish this kind of tortoise. The Indian star tortoise often has a hump. This morbid phenomenon makes it look more strange, but this is also something that breeders should try to avoid. of.

The star tortoise is the smallest species of the turtle family. According to the thickness of the markings, it can be divided into Indian star tortoise and Sri Lankan star tortoise. The former star pattern has thin lines and the same thickness from head to tail; the latter has thick lines and will end up being enlarged. The star pattern is a protected color in its native area, and it is difficult for predators to spot the star tortoise in the grass. Its name comes from the star pattern on each scale on its back. There are more than 8 lines in a scute, but the number is smaller in larvae, and there are similar patterns on the plastron. Its club-shaped hands and feet are typical tortoise hands and feet, so it spends a lot of time crawling and digging.

The general protrusion of the adult turtle's carapace is very obvious, slightly different from the ordinary hump. Star tortoises are also species that require more water. Therefore, it is best for young turtles to bathe in water every day and often bask in the sun. Body length 30-38 cm. Female turtles of this species are larger than male turtles. It is easy to distinguish between males and females. The male turtle is smaller and narrower, with a significantly concave plastron; the female turtle has a rounder body shape and a flat plastron. The tail of the male turtle is thick and thick, while the tail of the female turtle is fat and short.

