The morphological characteristics of the Belgian Tempienne are lively and gracef

The Morphological Characteristics of the Belgian Tempienne The Belgian Tempienne is a relatively well-proportioned medium-sized dog. I believe some dog lovers have also watched related dog competitions. The Belgian Tempienne Lien Dog is also a racing dog. Breeding this type of dog will definitely be very popular when taken out. It is relatively smart and listens to its owner, which is a very advantageous feature for training it in daily life.

 The Belgian Tembilen Dog The morphological characteristics are lively and graceful gait

The ideal shoulder height of the male Belgian Tempienne should be 24 to 26 inches; the female should be about 22 to 24 inches. Males under 23 inches or over 26.5 inches are disqualified; females under 21 inches or over 24.5 inches are disqualified. Body proportions are square.

Morphological characteristics


Close outline, tight skin, long but not exaggerated head. Expression: Appears intelligent and puzzled, showing alertness, concern, and readiness for action. Eyes: Brown, medium size, slightly almond-shaped, not prominent. Light-colored, yellow or round eyes are a disqualification. Ears: Triangular, cup-shaped, firmly erect, with height equal to the width of the base of the ear. The base of the ears is set high, and the base of the ears should not be lower than the center line of the eyes. Ears that droop like those of a hound are a disqualification. Skull and Muzzle: Skull and muzzle are approximately equal in length, measured from stop. The overall size is proportionate to the body. The top of the head is slightly flat, not arched, and the width is approximately equal to the length, but not wider than the length. The stop is moderate. Viewed from the side, the contour of the muzzle is parallel to the contour of the head. The muzzle is slightly pointed, not cut off or cheeky. The jaws are strong and powerful. The nose is black without staining or discoloration. Nostrils clear. Lips: Tight, black, no pink visible from outside when mouth is closed.

Teeth: Complete, strong white teeth, evenly spaced, scissor bite or pincer bite. An overshot or undershot bite is to be faulted. An undershot bite is a disqualification if two or more of the upper incisors are unable to contact the lower incisors. If the upper and lower incisors cannot contact because the middle incisor is short, but the other parts of the bite are correct, it will not be judged as a protruding bite. Broken or discolored teeth are not considered a fault. Missing teeth are a fault.

Neck, Topline, Body

Neck: Round, muscular, long, elegant, slightly arched, tapering from body to head. The skin is tight, not loose. The withers are prominent. Topline: Even, straight, and firm. Croup of moderate length, sloping gradually towards the base of the tail. Chest: Not wide, but not particularly narrow either, fairly deep and extending in depthto the elbow, forming a smooth and graceful curve extending to the abdomen. Abdomen: Moderately developed, neither overly lifted nor paunchy. The ribs are well sprung but flat on the sides. The loin, viewed from above, appears short, broad and strong, blending smoothly into the back. Tail: Strong at the base, with the tailbone extending to the hock. When at rest, the tail hangs low and ends close to the hock. When in motion, the tail should be rolled up to the level of the topline and slightly curved, but not like a hook. The tail should not be carried high above the topline, nor should it be twisted to either side. Tail docking is a disqualification.


Shoulders: The shoulder blades are long, tilted back at an angle of 45 degrees, flat against the body, and forming a right angle with the upper arm bones. The distance between the top of the shoulder blades is about 2 finger widths. The upper arm moves in the same direction as the body's longitudinal axis. The forearms are long and muscular. Forelegs: Straight, parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground. The bones are oval rather than round. The ankles are short, strong and very slightly sloping. Dewclaws can be removed. Feet: Round, cat-like, neither turning in nor turning out. Toes are curved and close together. The pads of the feet are thick and the toenails are strong.


Hind legs: Powerful but not bulky, identical in style to the forequarters. The bones are oval rather than round. The thighs are wide and very muscular. The stifle joints are clear and the upper thigh is at right angles to the lower thigh. Hocks: Moderately sloping, with short metatarsals, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from behind. The dewclaws were removed. Feet: Slightly long, with toes close and curved, feet]

The Belgian Tembilien has a unique adaptability to extreme climates and temperatures. The outer coat must be long, fit, straight and abundant. The hair texture should be medium-coarse and should not be silky or bristly. Wavy or curly coat is not acceptable. The undercoat is very thick and can adapt to various climatic conditions. The hair on the head, the outside of the ears, and the lower half of the legs is slightly shorter, and the open ears are protected by tufts of hair. Feathering: Consists of longer, richer hair, such as the snood around the neck; the feathering on the back of the forearms; the long feathering on the thighs and "trouser" parts; and the long, thick and abundant hair on the tail. Females rarely have the same feathering as males. This distinction must be taken into account when judging females.


The body color ranges from camel to reddish brown or mahogany. The coat color is a very unique bi-pigmentation: the tip of each camel hair turns black. The characteristic feature of the Belgian Terminus is that it darkens as it ages. In adult males, the black tips of the hair will be particularly noticeable on the shoulders, back and ribs. If only a small portion of the clip has black tips, it is not acceptable. Although the lack of black tips in females and juvenile males is permitted, the absence of black tips in adult males is a serious fault. Fading, such as cheese or gray color predominating, is a very serious fault.

Chest: Usually black, but a mixture of black and gray is allowed. A white patch on the chest is allowed, but it cannot extend to the neck or under the chest. The face has a black mask, and the ears are usually black as well. The complete absence of black color on the face is a serious fault. A frosty or white color appears on the muzzle or chinis normal. The lower body, tail and "trousers" are cream, gray or light beige. The tip of the tail is dark or black. Feet: Toe tips may be white, toenails 0">pure black, pure liver color. White on parts other than chest, muzzle, chin, and toe tips is a disqualification.


Lively and graceful, with long and effortless strides, always on the move and never tired, flexibility of movement is more important than driving force when running quickly. Both the front and rear limbs are gathered under the center line of the body due to gravity. Viewed from the side, the front and rear limbs can be fully extended. The topline is level and stable, consistent with the direction of movement. This breed is better than running in a circle. Running in a straight line. Stiffness of gait, horse gait, gait, crab gait, and similar gaits are faults and will result in points being deducted according to the degree to which they affect working ability.



In his relationship with humans, he should be alert and attentive to strangers, but should not appear fearful or shy. He should appear friendly and stand still. Appears to be very confident. From this, he should be friendly, enthusiastic about the things he cares about, and possessive.


Male under 23. inches or more than 26.5 inches; females less than 21 or more than 24.5 inches

Ears drooping like a hound's

The jaw is protruding and has two or more ears. The upper incisors cannot touch the lower incisors

The tail is docked

Pure black and pure liver color, except for the chest, muzzle, chin, and toe tips.


