Shiba Inu (definite introduction)
Ideal The height of a male Shiba Inu should be 14.2-16.2 inches (36.0-41.0 cm) at the withers, and the height of a female Shiba Inu should be 13.0-15.0 inches (33.0-38.0 cm) at the withers. The ideal body weight of a male Shiba Inu should be 17.6-24.3 pounds (8.0 -11.0 kg), a female Shiba Inu should weigh 15.0-19.8 lbs (6.8-9.0 kg).
Morphological characteristics
The Shiba Inu is much thinner than the general Sanin Shiba Inu. Its legs are longer and look very similar to a dog.
The muscles are strong, very developed, with a natural pure style, the small body is delicate and dynamic, and the strength is powerful and beautiful.
The small triangular ears on the top of the head are slightly tilted forward and stand straight. The ovals of the eyes are slightly smaller, and the ends of the eyes are slightly tilted toward the neck. The muzzle is tapered, the back is flat and short, the tail is deeply furred and sickle-shaped, and is often rolled to the back. It is energetic when standing and looking at it, and it feels very alert and intelligent at a glance.
The hair of Shiba Inu is short and thick and very dense double-layered hair, with hard hair on the surface and soft hair on the bottom. The hair on the tail is slightly longer. The coat color is mainly brown, yellowish brown, brown, and also black with white background or yellow background.
Male and female dogs are clearly distinguished in appearance. Male dogs have obvious male characteristics but are not rough, and female dogs have obvious female charm but are not weak.
Head (head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, breath, jaw, teeth)
Head: The head should be of average size and in proportion to the body. The forehead is broad and flat, slightly grooved, with a moderate stop. The expression is a strong and confident gaze. Compared to the Akita Inu, the Shiba Inu’s head is slightly rounder.
Ears: The ears are triangular in shape, firmly erect and small, but in good proportion to the head and body. The ears are widely spaced, straight and slanted forward, and the sloping behind the ears blends with the arched neck.
Eyes: The shape is somewhat close to a triangle, deep, forward, and slanted toward the outside of the ear. Eye color is dark brown. The eye circles are black.
Nose: The tone is firm, full, and round, with the rich mandible extending forward from the cheek. The bridge of the nose is straight, tapering slightly from stop to tip. The length of the breath accounts for 40% of the total head length (from the occipital bone to the nose). maintain completeThe ideal beard. The nose is black.
Chin: The lips are tight and black. The bite is a scissors bite, with complete dentition, abundant and neat teeth. Disadvantages: 4 or more missing teeth are a very serious flaw. Disqualification: Overbite of the upper jaw or overbite of the lower jaw.
Lips: Lips are tight and black. Jaws/Teeth: Scissor bite, complete dentition, abundant and neat teeth.
Body (neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, front of body, skin)
Neck: Robust, strong, of moderate length. Topline: straight and level (to base of tail). Body: Dry and muscular, not slow or rough in all movements. The chest is very well developed. Chest: Depth, the distance from the shoulders to the lowest point of the sternum is approximately half the height at the withers or less. Ribs: Over-supported, belly firm and lifted. Back: Firm. Loin: Rich.
Hands and feet (forehead, shoulders, upper limbs, pasterns, pasterns, soles of feet, hindquarters, thighs, hocks, joints and hock nails)
Forequarters: between the shoulder blades and upper arm bones The angle is moderate and the length is almost perfect. The elbows are close to the body, neither turning in nor turning out. Forelegs and paws are excessively separated, straight and parallel to each other. Pasterns slightly skewed. Removal of forelimb dewclaws is optional. The paws are like cat feet, with well-arched toes and tight pads.
Hindquarters: The hindquarters are moderately angulated, about the same angle as the forequarters. The hind legs are rich and naturally wide in isolation. The hocks are well set, turning neither in nor out. The first thigh is long and the second thigh is short, but very prosperous. No dewclaws. The feet are connected to the forequarters.
Foot soles: The paws are like cat feet, with arched toes and tight pads. The dewclaws on the forelimbs can be removed, but the dewclaws on the hind limbs should not be removed.
Tail: Strong and powerful, curled over the back in a sickle or curved shape. A relaxed single curl or sickle-shaped tail with the tip pointing toward the neck and almost parallel to the back is preferred. It is double-curled or sickle-shaped, and the tip of the tail points forward, so it can be delivered. The length of the tail is 10 ft, which, if straightened, extends to the hock joint. Tail set high.
Body size
Males are about 14.5-16.5 inches tall at the shoulders, and females are about 13.5-15.5 inches tall at the shoulders. The ideal shoulder height is the middle value of the range of shoulder heights allowed for the respective gender. Balanced body weight based on ideal shoulder height is 23 pounds for males and 17 pounds for females. The ratio of male shoulder height to body length is about 10:11, and the female is slightly longer. Bone mass is moderate.
Double-layered coat, the outer coat is straight and hard, and the inner undercoat is soft and rich. The hair on the face, ears and legs is short and flat. The protective coat on the body is standing upright, and the hair at the withers is about 1. 5-2 inches. The hair on the tail is slightly longer and erect, like a brush. Shiba Inu in natural formSuch emergence is preferred. Cutting of the coat will be severely punished.
Coat color: There are three colors allowed. They are in the same position and there is no preference. The undercoat colors are cheese, light yellow and gray.
Gait: Movement is quick, light and elastic. When trotting, the legs tend to close toward the core line of the body, and the topline remains firm and level. The extension of the forequarters and the activation of the hindquarters are both excessive and ineffective.
Compared to the Akita Inu, the Shiba Inu is smaller in size, and its face is slightly rounder than the Akita Inu. The difference in body shape, head, ears, coat color, and gait is not particularly obvious, but each dog has its own characteristics. Have your own personality.