The appearance characteristics of blood-finned fish

Shape characteristics of blood-fin fish
Blood-fin fish

It is not difficult to raise blood-fin fish, and The character is also very colorful and likes to move in groups. When the blood-finned fish is frightened, its body color will fade. The female of the blood-winged fish has a long and narrow body, while the female has a distended abdomen.

The adult blood-winged fish is 4-6cm long, with a silvery white body and blood-red fins. The fish body is sub-spindle-shaped, relatively long, up to about 5 cm, and flattened on the sides. The dorsal fin is centered and shaped like a swordfish. The pelvic fin is positioned posteriorly, and the anal fin and adipose fin are also posteriorly positioned. Caudal fin forked. The blood-winged fish is silvery-white in color, with a light bluish-brown back and blood-red fins.

