Introduction to the species of Dezhou Brocade Turtle

Dezhou Jindiaan Introduction to the species of the Texas Brocade Turtle
Texas Brocade Turtle

The biggest characteristic of the Texas Brocade Turtle is that With beautiful appearance, the Texas gilded turtle is relatively rare among the terrapin species. Due to human protection, the number of this species has begun to increase steadily. The Texas gilded turtle with white skin is regarded as the Excellent condition.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the meat of diamondback turtles was considered a delicacy and was highly praised. This has led to a severe reduction in their numbers. At that time, the reclamation of coastal swamps also caused great damage to their resting places. Recent protective regulations have restored their numbers. Adult diamondback turtles can often be seen basking on the mudflats.

Chinese name: Dezhou brocade turtle

Nickname:Texas Diamondback Terrapin

English name:Texas Diamondback Terrapin

Latin name:Malaclemysterrapinlittoralis

Origin:Western Louisiana to Decker Western Saskatchewan

Surface characteristics:The highest point on the carapace points backward, the plastron is almost white, and the legs are gray-green. , and there are many tiny black spots scattered from western Louisiana to western Texas.

Body length: Male body length 4-51/2" (10.2-13.8cm); female body length 6-933/8 ''(15.2-23.8cm).

Livelihood situation: There are salt marshes near the river mouth, wetlands with rising and falling tides, and lagoons on the opposite side of the coastal beach.

Recipe:They feed on conches, clams, and worms.

Growth customs: In the south, nesting and egg-laying occur from April to June, while in Shuofang it is later. Lays 4 to 18 eggs. The eggs are white, slightly pink, with a thin, leathery shell, 11/4" (32mm) long, and a blunt end. The nest is 4 to 8" (10 to 20cm) deep, dug in the mud. and in the sand beside the dunes. The incubation period is 9 to 15 weeks. Females reach sexual maturity in about seven years, males later.

Difficulty of raising:Common

Price: strong>Rare things are more valuable, and the price of Dezhou brocade turtles is just like this. Not only are they expensive, some can even reach tens of thousands of yuan.

