Keep your eyes open and choose a satisfying Ragdoll cat

Keep your eyes open, and you will find a foot full of Ragdoll cats
Ragdoll cat (definite introduction)

Ragdoll cat is a hot topic in cat breeding nowadays. It has a beautiful appearance and is totally He also has a gentle and tolerant character. However, the cats currently sold on the market vary from good to bad. How can we choose a Ragdoll cat that we are satisfied with?

First, take a look at the face of the Ragdoll cat: they have a wedge-shaped head, ears of average size, Large oval blue crystal eyes.

Take another look at the expression and hair length of Ragdoll cats: they have different expressions and patterns: the expressions are Blue, lilac, red, chocolate, cream and seal. The patterns are: glove, heavy heart, two-color and Turkish Van Cat format. Ragdoll cats have medium-long hair. The mane is slightly longer and deeper in parts, and the hair on the front legs is slightly shorter than the hind legs.

Remember to hold a Ragdoll cat and see how heavy they are: the average male cat weighs about 20 pounds Heavy, female cats are much lighter at around 10 to 15 pounds.

Although most cats have independent personalities, Ragdoll cats are more clingy and like to be with humans. In life, if you are often unable to be at home due to business trips or your working hours are not fixed and you are very lacking in managing it, then you still should not choose this type of cat, otherwise it will live very unhappy.

 Ragdoll cats have become popular pet cats in the market because of their good character that matches their name. Although Ragdoll cats can understand their owners' hard work and hard work most of the time, they can also understand that their owners cannot stay with them for a long time. However, Ragdoll cats also need the attention of their owners and hope to have fun with them. If parents cannot have enough free time to take care of a Ragdoll cat, then they should not easily raise it. A long-term lonely and troubled life can also cause Ragdoll cats to suffer from depression.

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