Bichon Frize (Definite Introduction) p>
Because the Bichon Frize has a good personality and is active and lively, it has a very large amount of exercise. She has to go out for a walk every day. Exercise can promote her gastrointestinal digestion and absorption and promote body health. The Bichon Frize has a friendly and lively personality. Although the Bichon Frize is not very smart, it has a very good memory. If you spend more time training, it will do some funny actions and bring endless fun to its owner. The Bichon Frize is very dependent on people and is very friendly to family members, but it is fierce towards newcomers. Bichon Frize is quite clingy, so you need to spend more time playing with it. Generally speaking, Bichon Frize dogs are lively and friendly to people, making them very suitable as house pets.
Physical characteristics
The shoulder height of male Bichon Frize and female Bichon Frize is about 9.5 inches to 11.5 inches, and the average is considered first.
If it exceeds this size range but is proven to be a very special individual, it is allowed to meet the relaxed standards. However, the height at the withers should not be more than 12 inches or less than 9 inches. The minimum height at withers scale does not apply to puppies.
Body length (distance from the frontmost point of the chest to the last point of the buttocks) is about 1/4 more than the shoulder height. The distance from the withers to the base of the chest is approximately 1/2 the distance from the withers to the ground. Constitution: Compact, with light bones. It neither looks rough nor delicate.
The movement of the trot is free, precise and brisk. Viewed from the side, the stretching movements of the front legs and hind legs cooperate with each other, the forequarters are relaxed and light, the hind limbs are powerful in starting, and the topline remains firm. During exercise, the head and neck are slightly erect, and as the speed increases, the hands and feet tend to converge toward the core line of the body. When parting, keep a slight distance between the hind legs and the foot pads can be seen. Come over or say goodbye, the action is thorough and precise.
Gentle and rule-abiding, keen, naughty, and loving. A contented style is characteristic of this breed, and it is easy to be satisfied with small things.
1. Face
Gentle, profound gaze, curious and warning.
2. Eyes
Round, black or dark brown.
Close to the front line. Eyes that are overly large or overhanging, almond-shaped eyes, and slanted eyes are all faults. Around the eyes, black or very dark brown skin surrounds the eyes, which is necessary and can extend beyond the eyes and exaggerate the expression. The eye circles themselves must be black. Under-eye pigmentation or a complete lack of pigment, resulting in a dull or dull look, is an obvious fault. All colors except eye color black or dark brown are serious faults.
3. Ears
Drooping and hidden in long and vibrating hair. If you pull the ear towards the nose, the length of the auricle can extend to the center of the breath. The position of the ears is slightly higher than the level of the eyes and relatively forward of the head. So when he warns, the ears become part of the face.
4. The head
Slightly arched, allowing for an arc shape toward the eyes. Stop: Slightly clear.
5. Breath
The head is very even. The ratio of the length of the tone to the skull is 3:4. The length of the tone is the distance from the nose to the stop. The length of the skull is from Isolation from stop to occipital bone. The dotted line connecting the outer corners of the eyes and the tip of the nose creates an equilateral triangle. The surface under the eyes is slightly clearer. However, don't overdo it, resulting in a weak or tapering front face. The lower jaw is thick.
7. The nose is longer thanand often black. Lips: Dark, fine, but not droopy.
8. Bite
Scissor bite. An overbite of the upper jaw or an overbite of the lower jaw are serious faults. Teeth that are crooked or out of line are allowed, but missing teeth are a serious fault.
1. Neck
Long and proud, standing erect behind the head. Smoothly blends into shoulder blades. The length of the neck, from the occipital bone to the withers, is about 1/3 of the distance from the chest to the buttocks.
2. Topline
Level, except for the straight, muscular and arched loin. Body: The chest is well developed and wide enough to allow free and uninhibited movement of the forelegs. The lowest point of the chest should at least extend to the elbows. The ribs are excessively sprung and spread back into the short, muscular loin. The forechest is very prominent and slightly forward than the shoulders. The arc of the lower abdomen is excessively lifted.
3. Tail
It has a lot of hair. The tail is flush with the backline and rolled gently on the back, so the hair on the tail rests on the back. When the tail is stretched towards the head target, it can at least reach the shoulder.Long's halfway. A short tail, a tail raised perpendicular to the back, or a tail drooping backward are all serious faults. The spiral tail is a very serious fault.
4. Shoulder blade
The length of the shoulder blade and upper arm bone is about ten. The shoulder blades are tilted back, at about a 45-degree angle. The upper arm bone is spread back so that the elbow is well below the withers when viewed from the side.
5. Forelimbs
The bones are mediocre; the forearms and wrists cannot be arched or bent. Pastern: Slightly skewed relative to a straight line. Dewclaws may be removed.
6. Feet
Tight and round, similar to the so-called cat's feet, pointing straight to the front, neither turning in nor turning out.
7. Foot pads
Black. Toenails: Keep relatively short.
8. Thighs
The thighs have a proper angle, well-developed muscles and a slightly wider distance. The length of the first thigh and the second thigh are about the same, and they work together when the knee joint is overly bent. The hind legs from hock to paw are completely perpendicular to the ground. Dewclaws may be removed. The soles of the feet are tight and round, and the pads are black.