Red-spotted Bandicoot Spider
The funnel weaver, also known as the funnel weaver, is a notoriously poisonous spider, but under normal circumstances a bite from the funnel weaver is not fatal. The black widower's abdomen has a red hourglass-shaped pattern, which is its signature feature.
The black widow spider is a spider with potent neurotoxins. It is a large, widespread widower spider that often grows in urban residential areas and rural areas. Its venom is more toxic than that of a rattlesnake, but its lower penetration rate makes it slightly less lethal. "Because this female black widower spider will slowly eat the couple during the mating process, the folk named it "black widower spider".
Chinese name: Red-spotted spider< br> Chinese alias: Black widower
Two methods: funnel weaver
Kingdom: Animal kingdom
< strong> Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Class: Arachnida
< strong> Subclass: Theridiidae
Order: Araneida