Needlebill fish
Needlebill fish is native to India in southern Asia. In places such as , Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia, needlebills are currently on the verge of extinction. The needlebill fish has a slender body and is shaped like a silver rod, so it is named "needlefish". Moreover, the mouth of the needlemouth fish is particularly protruding, with a slender pointed peck extending from the front mandible and lower jaw, so it is named "needlefish". "Needlebill Fish".
Chinese name: Needle-billed fish
Latin name: Xenentodon cancila
Also known as :Rocket fish, odd-toothed needle fish, pencil fish
Two Dharma:Xenentodon cancila
World:Animal Kingdom
Order: Achilles
Suborder: Flying Fish
English name:Neddle Fish p>