Introduction to South American horned frog species

A brief introduction to South American horned frog species
Horned Frog

In addition to the bell-horned frog (definitely introduced), the South American horned frog is the rarest horned frog. People who are interested in frogs may also see many in the market. South American horned frog for sale. South American horned frogs come from South America. They are rare in countries such as Brazil and Argentina and are classified as a least endangered species. In addition to South America, South American horned frogs also appear in many other places because they are raised by humans.

For many people, South American horned frogs look a bit weird. Their short limbs and large bodies seem unmatched, and the warts all over their bodies make them uninteresting. Their people just want to stay away. However, as one of the most popular pet frogs, South American horned frogs also have many advantages. For example, it is not difficult to raise South American horned frogs. For some strangers, South American horned frogs are definitely a There is no wrong adoption.

Under natural circumstances, if there is a dry season, South American horned frogs will hide underground and hibernate. Once the rainy season with abundant rain comes, they will emerge from the ground and start brewing the next generation.

Chinese name: South American Horned Frog

Binary name: Ceratophrys cranwelli

Boundary : Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrates

Class: Amphibians

Subclass: Lepidosoma

Order: < /strong>Anura

Suborder: New frog suborder

Family: Leptopodidae

Species:South American horned frog
